The Bhatti Eye Clinic , Mumbai, India

Cataract Surgery and Phakoemulsification

The Bhatti Eye Clinic is situated in the green leafy Mumbai ( Bombay) suburb of Chembur-Deonar.It is conveniently located just off the Mumbai Pune Highway opposite the Deonar BEST Bus Depot.

The clinic is equipped with state of the art instrumentation for the diagnosis and treatment of various eye disorders like cataract,refractive errors,glaucoma,squint and retinal diseases.It has a tradition of employing best of breed practices to prevent and treat a comprehensive array of eye conditions.Treatment of cataract by all surgical modalities including phacoemulsification, is the forte of the Bhatti Eye Clinic.

Besides surgical and laser treatment, the optical shop at the Bhatti Eye Clinic also dispenses spectacles (eye glasses) scientifically fitted with the maximum precision possible.


YAG laser
Glaucoma Surgery
Corneal Transplant
Lasik (Laser Eye Surgery)
Oculoplastic Surgery
Orbital Surgery
Lacrimal Sac Surgery
Retinal Laser
Retinal Detachment Surgery
Optical Shop















Instruments available:

photo- and video slit lamp

Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopes

Gonioscopes and fundus lenses


A scan biometer

Corneal pachymeter

Automated lensometer

Octopus Visual Field analyser

Diode laser with slit lamp, indirect ophthalmoscopic and endolaser delivery options

YAG laser

Operating microscope

Phakoemulsifier and diamond knives

Vitrectomy and vitreoretinal microsurgery instruments

Bipolar diathermy

Cryotherapy and cryopexy equipment

Automated low and high pressure sterilizers

Ultrasonic cleaners